Friday, May 16, 2008

College Picture Collage.....

Here is a slide show of the pics from college that everyone has been passing around via email so far for those of you that might not have seen them. Please feel free to email any others to me at and I will burn them all on a disk for Mattie's presentation at camp. I still have to load mine...but I can't find my darn photo album (its the only one I haven't scanned yet!!). GRRRRRR.....


IMAPHI said...

Awesome Kara. I had not had a chance to view the pics because things were too busy at work so I was looking forward to going back thru the emails and see them all over the weekend. Now I won't have to as I just watched the slideshow. You rock!!

Mattie Cummins said...

I'm not sure you can impress me anymore - sleuth, blogger, photo shower - but I don't doubt you will. As Heather says..."you rock!!!"