Friday, May 30, 2008

Activities for the summer as posted by the Far North Dallas Alum Chapter


Although our little group isn't directly involved with the Far North Dallas Alumnae group, I thought I would post a few of their upcoming events in case anyone is interested.....

Race For the Cure in honor of sister Kim Neal Harlow.... Join the fight by registering as part of our team or by supporting our efforts with a pledge contribution. The money raised through the Race will fund vital education, screening and treatment programs for underserved women in our own community and support the national search for a cure. Kim and her family are so blessed to have so many friends coming together to show our love and support for the fight against cancer. Most importantly to show Madeline and Bryan that we are still here to support and honor Kim in everything we do. This is a time to reflect and show how strong our bond was with Kim, and always will be, and the organizations she cared about. On her Caring Bridge website she proudly noted membership in 3 communities, her PTA, her sorority Alpha Phi/Panhellenic and her church. We would like to band those 3 communities together to walk in her honor.Please visit my personal page at the bottom! Thank you for all of your support in this wonderful cause. We need your support because together, we can save lives! Click here to learn more.

ALPHA PHI SUMMER - You are invited to spend some quality sister time withyour alumnae of the Far North Dallas Alumnae Group!

Date: Saturday, June 7th Time: 7:30 PM - SEX AND THE CITY Movie watching party @ Studio Movie Grill in Plano - Everyone is welcome! $8.75 per person + food

Date: Saturday, June 21st Time: 7:30 PM - WINE TASTING AND DINNER - Raise money for cardiac care and be good to your heart with wine! Progressive dinner and wine tasting. Everyone is welcome! $25 per person.

Date: Friday, August 1st Time: 7:05 PM - TEXAS RANGERS - Group picnic at the Texas Rangers game! Families are welcome! $20 per person includes game, food & soft drinks.

Date: Thursday, August 7th to Sunday, August 10th - LAS VEGAS - Viva Las Vegas Alpha Phi style! A weekend getaway to fabulous Las Vegas. Alpha Phi’s and female friends only. Budget $700 for flight, hotel and car. *Must be 21 for this trip. Please see our myspace page for more information!

My ticket is purchased and I'm coming to camp!!

Thank you to Kara for the crash course on blogging. Crazy me found the place the first time and then couldn't remember - my contagious brain injury. (That's only funny if you know I work for the Brain Injury Association of Arizona).

Although I'm far away (it seriously feels like a continent) I am so excited that I get plenty of sister time in the next few months.

So, I had the wonderful privilege of seeing Suzanne this past weekend. She looks beautiful and is the same wonderful Suzanne. Yes, I know, you're jealous she got to see me. :)

Then, off to camp and it's certainly not enough time but it is wonderful and helps me get my Texas and sisterly fix. I know you guys are excited but I am giddy - it's like coming home for me (don't tell my Mom).

The week after camp, Steph gets to see me again. Yes, I know you're jealous of her too. :) She'll be here in the Phoenix area when it's 1000 degrees and it doesn't matter if it's dry heat!

Then in July, my husband Kyle and I will be headed back to Texas. We're making a pit stop in Dallas overnight.

Thank you again to Heather and Kara for making the world seem smaller.

Love to everyone from Arizona.

Thought for the day.....


Having trouble getting started on YOUR first blog???

Blogging If this is your first time in the blogging world and you don't know where to start, here is a little bit of assistance (on the technical side):

When you go to the blog - at the top of the screen on the right side you should see “Sign-In”. From there it will take you to the Blogger page and ask you to sign in using your Google account. If you don’t have one, then just click on “Sign-in” button and it will take you to another page which gives you the option again to “sign-in” or to CREATE a google account. I created my google account with my normal email as my username and a password that is pretty standard for me and easy to remember. Once you have a google account set up then you should be able to “sign-in” and post a blog onto this forum.

Once you write a blog there are options to download a photo into the post in several ways. You can transfer the picture into the blog using the download option OR you can find a photo you like on a service like and grab its code and paste it into the blog. When writing your blog, you also have the option of making the type different colors, inserting a hyperlink (which is a clickable word or image that will take you to another webpage or email), etc.

Please let me know if you have any problems. I will be hosting a How to Blog session at camp (for a small fee of course….LOL) and a I Use a Computer for Email and Stuff But Don’t Really Know Much Else crash course (just kidding!!!). You have to remember, I was a computer science major and this stuff just comes 2nd nature to me without really trying most of the time.

Call me or email if needed. I am happy to be of service!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

22 and counting

22 days to dah....

Sunday, May 25, 2008

This is YOUR blog ladies...

Hey girls! Just wanted to announce that we now have 15 glorious members / authors of this blog! REMEMBER this is YOUR blog, for you to read/write/post whatever you would like to. Whether it be memories from college, an update on your life that you want to share with the rest of us, any announcements, ideas for future activities, WHATEVER you want it to be. Have fun!

Friday, May 23, 2008


I just wanted to say that I love this blog!! I love going back and looking at the slideshows and reading the blog entries. Kara - you are an amazing computer geek to put all of this together and I love ya for it.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Hey!! Nicole finally walked me through how to do this. It only took a small army and a beverage on Nicole's part!!!--Tonya

Sunday, May 18, 2008

MORE Blast from the Past thanks to Katie!

A busy day for the Phis

Well yesterday was jam packed with Alpha Phi activities for some of us.

The day began with an appreciation luncheon for Dr. Ingram. She was one of the founding members of our chapter (Delta Beta) and a long time advisor. From what I hear there were about 20-25 ladies that were able to make it to the event to include a few of our own. Robyn, Kim and Steph all were able to make an appearance and stated that Dr. Ingram looked great and was still quite the spitfire! Hopefully we can get some pictures posted of that event for everyone to see.

And later in the day, a baby shower was held for Cristy Coffman Lovick. Cristy currently has a 12 year old daughter, but is expecting a son in late July. The shower was attended by Heather A, Chele, Kris, Rachel, Robyn, Kim, Steph, myself and of course the mom to be. As in all of our events there was much catching up to do and a little remember the old days. Slideshow below includes pictures of our gathering. ENJOY!!

In other news, Suzanne was in TX for a wedding and stayed a few days with Robyn. And Robyn is currently helping Cindy (her younger sister as well as an APhi) plan her upcoming wedding scheduled for August.

The next event currently on the calendar is CAMP! The list right now is between 13-20 girls! We are very excited for the new additions to the group and their possible attendance at camp and other events in the future. Looking forward to seeing each of you soon!! XOXO

Friday, May 16, 2008

College Picture Collage.....

Here is a slide show of the pics from college that everyone has been passing around via email so far for those of you that might not have seen them. Please feel free to email any others to me at and I will burn them all on a disk for Mattie's presentation at camp. I still have to load mine...but I can't find my darn photo album (its the only one I haven't scanned yet!!). GRRRRRR.....


Just sending a quick note to test this out.

Dates to Remember


I have added an important date section to the right of the screen. Its lists all the birthdates (including husbands and children) and anniversaries in our group that I have on record. With as many in our group as there is, I figured it was best to have everyone's info in one place.

Please check your info and let me know if it is incorrect. If I don't have yours, please comment here or send me an email to and I will add your information to the list.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Welcome Sisters and Kuddos to Kara

First of all, a big kuddos to Kara for working so hard to find our missing or mislocated sisters recently. It is such a thrill to get a chance to reconnect with some of you gals that made my last few years in Commerce such a hoot!! Kara is quite the computer know it all and she's proven that this week!!

Secondly, welcome back to the sisters we've recently reconnected with and hello to those of you that have been such an important part of the recent years!!! As I've mushed to you guys before, you really are my sanity. Knowing I have you all out there to count on whenever I need you - means the world to me. We are a small but very strong group of women from a variety of backgrounds, lifestyles, etc. but we are bonded by sisterhood. It's a strong bond that seems to be growing every day with each sister we make a connection with.

Love to you all! Heather Ashton Wunsch '87

Through the years and growing stronger....

Who would have thought that over the last 20 years of my life that I would keep in such close contact with a bunch of girls I met in college? When they said during pledgeship and initiation that sisterhood was for life and was something that would be there ALWAYS.....weren't we all thinking "Yeah, OK"? It was a sweet thing to hear and a wonderful thing to believe in, but never in a million years did I expect to be in contact with more than a handful of you as I inch my way into my 40's! BUT.....I am so glad that mere uttering of words has rang true! Some of us see each other on a monthly basis. Some more and some ALOT less. Some come into the fold and some go their own way from time to time. No matter where we all are in this life, no matter what life throws at us, I am happy that I can call you a sister! Thanks for being there for me and thanks for letting me be there for you! Growing stronger with time like the ivy that twines..... we ARE Alpha Phi!!

Phi-nominal sisters

Join me in a group blog to connect us all.....