Sunday, June 1, 2008

Blogs - Saving vs. Publishing....

Just a quick note (and NO I have no idea why I am still up at 330am!!). Thank you to all the ladies that have written blog material and/or posted comments. For those of you that are writing blogs, make sure to PUBLISH when you are done writing and not just save. If you only save then your blog doesn't actually go public on the site... it sits in a DRAFT state and no one will ever get to see it. LOL

Mattie, you have a draft from 5-16 and Nicole, you have one from 5-26. You can still PUBLISH if you want to. I am sure everyone would love to share. Just go into the "dashboard" and over to posting and you will see a list of what you have written. Those blogs that still show can open them back up and hit the publish button (I think the actual button is orange). Please let me know if you need any help.

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