Sunday, July 13, 2008

who's out there?

Not sure who all is on this... not sure if most of you remember me... Leanne Knowles. I ran into Kim Nixon and she kinda passed on my info. Would love to hear from those I know. Send me your emails... Also, when is the dinner club? I can't find an evite. Thanks! Look forward to talking to some of you! :)


Kara Hamrick Brumley said...


I added you to the evite for dinner club. I only have your work email address, so if you prefer any invites other APhi emails to go to another address or you are out for the summer, let me know an additional email as well.


IMAPHI said...

Dinner Club is this Thursday at Uncle Julio's in Grapevine (William D Tate and Hwy 114). I haven't seen you since Deb's first bachlorette party but of course, I still remember you!!!

Katie said...

Hey Leanne,
I remember ya! Katie Watkins Coats