Sunday, July 20, 2008

New addition to Cristy Coffman Lovick family - Matthew Evan Schmalzried

Hello girls!!

First of all a quick apology for not updating you all sooner. Things have been a bit hectic, and we had a major computer issue.. but we're settling down and the computer disaster was resolved. (I almost lost all of our pictures from the hospital.)

I hope everyone is doing well.. and will someone please forward this email to everyone else also who I didn't include. Kara, I saw where your husband had to have surgery, so I was thinking of you and hope he's okay.

Matthew Evan arrived Tuesday, July 15th at 12:30pm. Weighed in at only 7lbs 2oz, and 19" long. I have to say he must be the cutest baby in the world. He's absolutely perfect.

I couldn't believe how tiny he was, we were expecting an 8-9lb baby. Even the few newborn clothes we have for him are too small.

After he was born, I saw him briefly, then they ended up having to send him to the NICU because his oxygen levels were too low. He was breathing fine, but not getting enough oxygen. So he spent 6-7 hours in an oxygen tent. They let the rest of my family in to see him briefly, so everyone else got to meet him before I did. :O)
I finally got to hold him about 9pm and give him his first bottle.

We came home on Thursday night. Matthew is doing great, I have had some trouble with pain from the surgery. So I've been pretty groggy from taking pain meds. I'm hoping to try to take less today, I'd love to feel awake for a little while.

My Mom has been staying here, but I've insisted on getting up with Matthew and feeding him, etc.. but he's been sleeping sometimes for 5 hours at a stretch so its working out fine. I'm just waiting to start feeling better myself.

I just don't want to put him down for even a minute.. I'm probably spoiling him already.

I will attach a couple of pictures here, I promise to get more hopefully soon, but they're unorganized right now because of the computer problem.

Love you all!! Cristy Lovick

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