Saturday, September 6, 2008

Simply Fondue

We finally pulled off a successful dinner club after almost a year of trying. Eight Delta Beta Phis gathered at Simply Fondue on Lower Greenville Ave. in Dallas for a fondue cooking lesson (thanks Candace!!). Although seven of us were fondue beginners, we still managed to cook some really good food. Candace, Heather, Kara, Hewette, Rachel, Stephanie and Kim made quite a long night out of it (by our old lady standards) and left Dallas at about 11:15. There were talks of going dancing or getting tattoos afterward but I think once all the food hit our bellys and we realized how late it was - it was decided we would save our energy for Initiation and look for a good tattoo artist in Commerce in November! See you there!!

1 comment:

Kara Hamrick Brumley said...

A grand time was had by all! Who knew cooking your own food for dinner with friends could be so much fun!!